3 subtle signs of impermissible retaliation in the workplace

As an employee, you have a right to be free from sexual harassment and illegal discrimination at your job. If your employer or a coworker engages in impermissible behavior, you also have a right to complain. Under most circumstances, your employer may not retaliate against you for filing a claim or otherwise asserting your legal rights

While terminating your employment may be the clearest sign of retaliation, impermissible retaliation in the workplace is not always so easy to identify. Here are three subtle signs your employer may be retaliating against you.  

1. Changing your work schedule

Employers typically have wide flexibility to staff workplaces as they fit. Nevertheless, if your managers switch your work schedule to one you do not prefer for seemingly no reason, they may be trying to punish you.  

2. Excluding you from meetings and work events

To perform your job duties successfully, you may need to meet with your coworkers, clients, managers and others. If someone at your workplace excludes you from meetings or other essential functions, you may be the victim of retaliation. Excluding you from work-related social functions may also be retaliatory.  

3. Preventing you from learning

Some jobs and job descriptions change over time. If your employer denies you the opportunity to pursue additional training, workplace retaliation may be to blame. This is particularly true if your employer has allowed you to participate in training in the past.  

Whether your employer has engaged in impermissible retaliation ultimately depends on the totality of the circumstances. Still, by watching for both clear and subtle signs of retaliation, you may better protect your career and your legal interests.  

If you have been the victim of impermissible retaliation, Troy P. Foster and our team will act as your guide to employment law and your advocate. Contact  The Foster Group through the firm’s online contact form or call 602-461-7990 to arrange for a consultation with an experienced employment law attorney.