How can a handbook help workers communicate with management?
Creating an employee handbook offers you a good opportunity to establish a good relationship with your workers. Through your handbook, you can describe the mission of the company and what you expect from your workers so they operate to their best. This could reduce the chances of lawsuits from employees and promote harmony within your business.
However, conflict between workers might still emerge. If these disputes do not find resolution, they could progress into litigation against your business. According to Chron, your handbook may defuse these conflicts by creating ways for workers to communicate their problems to management.
Establish that employees may communicate
Workers may feel intimidated about discussing problems with management for fear that they will lose their jobs. Do not take it for granted that your employees will approach their superiors. Make it clear in your handbook that workers can talk to upper management about workplace problems. This may encourage communication and give disputes less of a chance to fester and disrupt the harmony of your company.
Establish procedures for communicating
The next step is to describe how your workers should communicate with management. Your workers should know who to go to if they have a problem. You may want to direct your employees to a designated person or a human resources department. Your handbook can also lay out specific times or occurrences when your employees can go to management. This prevents a chaotic environment where your workers interrupt meetings to discuss sensitive issues.
Implementing communication procedures can create order within your workplace and help your company resolve conflicts in a timely manner. Given how businesses can widely vary in structure and composition, you should tailor your communication strategy to the specific hierarchy you have established in your business.